Actual info 26. 2.

Tanvaldský Špičák

Weather at 7.00: -3°C, cloudy. 40 - 80 cm of technical snow on the slopes.

Opening hours 8:30 to 16:00. Open: 2x chairlift and 4x lift and 2x wonder carpet and 7,8 km of slopes.

Night skiing every tuesday and saturday, Špičák 2 - Zalomený, from 17:00 - 20:00.

Ski school and rental at Tan. Špičák II open - tel.: +420 732 751 119.

Ski service and rental at Tan. Špičák I open - tel.: +420 601 503 720.



Weather in 7.00: -5°C, cloudy. 30 - 60 cm of technical snow on the slopes.

Opening hours 9:00 to 16:00. Open: 7x ski lift, 1x wonder carpet and 2,6 km of ski slopes.

Ski school and ski rental open - tel.: +420 605 907 935.



Weather in 7.00: -3°C, clear. 15 - 45 cm of technical snow on the slopes.

Opening hours 9:00 to 16:00. Open: 4x ski lift and 1x carpet at Malinovka and 1,3 km of ski slopes.

Ski school and ski rental open - tel.: +420 604 581 037.

« Back to news overview26.02.2023source: skiarena

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